
At PhysioDome our physiotherapists are movement specialists that use a hands-on approach to help improve/maximize joint range of motion, decrease pain and restore function. Our physiotherapists have a Masters level education and many years of experience and training in helping with the following injuries and conditions:

Do you need a Medical Doctor referral?

- A Medical doctor referral is sometimes required for physiotherapy sessions as some insurance plans may need a note to reimburse you for your appointment.

What to expect during the 1st visit?

- The physiotherapist (PT) will complete a thorough history followed by a detailed and focused physical examination. Following the examination the PT will relay what they

have found during the examination. During this time the PT will inform the patient if any imaging is needed and will provide them with a general requisition. If no imaging is needed, the PT and patient will develop an individualized treatment plan for the patient.

What we treat

o Lower Back Pain

o Neck Pain

o Arthritis

o Whiplash from Motor Vehicle Accidents/sporting injuries

o Headaches

o Tendinopathies/impingements

o Strains/Sprains

o Chronic Pain

o Knee Pain

o Vestibular Disorders (Vertigo and Dizziness)

o Ankle and Wrist Pain

o Shoulder Pain and Rotator Cuff Dysfunction

o TMJ (Jaw) Pain and Dysfunction

o Falls and Fractures

o Incontinence

o Neurological Conditions and Nerve Pain

o Pregnancy-Related Pain

o Osteoporosis

Types of Treatments

o Myofascial/Soft tissue therapy

o Joint manipulation/mobilization

o Hot and cold therapy

o Electrotherapy (interferential current (IFC), ultrasound, Shockwave, neuromuscular electric stimulation -(NMES) and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation – TENS)

o  Laser Therapy

o  Acupuncture or Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)

o  Rehabilitation Exercises (supervised and home prescribed)

o Prescription of supportive and protective devices, braces, and equipment

o  Prescribing and dispensing orthotics

o Patient education and advice on health promotion and future injury prevention

Book An Appointment