Manual Osteopathy

Manual Osteopathy is a form of hands-on therapy with a primary focus of restoring function and eliminating pain by addressing the root cause of the injury or illness. Beginning with a thorough assessment and discussion about your health history, a Manual Osteopathic Therapist uses gentle yet effective techniques to stimulate the body’s own self-healing response. The osteopathic approach views the body as a singular unit and seeks to restore balance to the whole in order to effectively treat dysfunction.

Osteopathic techniques can include:

1) Osteo-articular Corrections:

Gentle manipulation of joints which relieve restriction, correct postural imbalances and restore proper motion. These corrections are performed using low grade mobilizations and assisted stretching techniques.

2) Myofascial Release:

Treats restrictions within fascial connective tissue, creating space and glide between the structures of the body. The osteopathic myofascial work focuses on slower, less intense release to calm the nervous system.

3) Craniosacral Therapy:

Addresses the vitality and mobility of the bones, dural membranes and cerebrospinal fluid which nourish and protect the central nervous system. A light and gentle therapy, safe for very acute or severe conditions.

4) Visceral Manipulation:

Gentle but direct work to the organs and viscera and their ligamentous/ fascial attachments to improve digestion, relieve pain and improve range of motion. Focused on balancing nervous stimulation and blood supply to organs using non-invasive holds and precise mobilizations.

What is the difference between Manual Osteopathy and Massage Therapy?

The two treatments can be similar in many ways. Many of the same techniques can be used in both a massage therapy session and manual osteopathy treatment. The key difference is the holistic process of thorough assessment, treatment and then reassessment the MOT employs to ensure the treatment is working. Most RMTs use minimal assessment and are focused on mainly muscle and fascial tissue. During an osteopathic treatment you will wear loose, comfortable clothes and no oils will be used on your skin. A MOT also utilizes only their hands and cannot use any tools, like cupping or IASTM, in their treatment while an RMT can.

What conditions can Manual Osteopathy help?

Manual osteopathy can help a wide variety of acute and chronic health issues including:

● Migraines and headaches

● Joint pain

● Postural dysfunction

● Chronic pain conditions

● Insomnia

● Depression and anxiety

● Constipation

● Acid reflux

● Dysmenorrhea

● Infertility

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